
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/25 04:59:48


1,I come from a small village in the west of China,and i'm now studying in Tianjin.
2,My hometown is smaller than Tianjin,of which the population is about 1000.
3,My hometown Is an ancient village whose history's even longer than Tianjin.
4.It's always fine in my hometown,and It's cooler than Tianjin in the summer,and still warmer than Tianjin in the winter.

Im from a small village of west China,and studying in Tianjin
my hometown is much smaller than Tianjin,it has a population of 1000
it is an old mountain village, has an longer history than Tianjin does
it gets a pleasant weather,cooler in summer than Tianjin ,warmer in winter

1, I come from a small village in western China,and i'm studying in Tianjin now
2, My hometown is smaller than Tianjin,there are about 1000 persons there.
3, My hometown Is an ancient villa...


1, I come from a small village in western China,and i'm studying in Tianjin now
2, My hometown is smaller than Tianjin,there are about 1000 persons there.
3, My hometown Is an ancient village whose history's even longer than Tianjin.
4. It's always fine in my hometown,and It's cooler than Tianjin in the summer,and still warmer than Tianjin in the winter.


1 I am from a little village in western China and study in Tianjin now.
2 With a population of 1000,my hometown is much smaller than Tianjin.
3 My hometown is an old village which has a histo...


1 I am from a little village in western China and study in Tianjin now.
2 With a population of 1000,my hometown is much smaller than Tianjin.
3 My hometown is an old village which has a history longer than that of Tianjin
4 My hometown has a mild weather, It is cooler than Tianjin in summer and warmer in winter
凡是 history longer than tianjin,都不对。不能用历史和天津作比较。


英语翻译1、我来自中国西部的一个小山村,现在在天津上学;2、我家乡比天津小很多;有大约1000人;3、我家乡是一个古老的山村,比天津历史还悠久;4、我家乡气候宜人,夏天比天津凉快,冬 我来自中国西部 英语怎么说? 英语翻译:一个孤独的女孩独自住在一个偏僻的小山村.但她并不感到孤独.我带着兴趣读它们半小时内解决,帮帮忙 英语翻译:去年在小山村居住数月是我的一次激动人心的经历(staying) 关于出生地的英文翻译 我出生在山东省烟台市的一个小山村如何翻译 英语翻译可以不可是英式的啊翻译内容如下我的家乡是湖南长沙县的一个小山村,它和中国的其他山村一样普通,但在我心中他是最美丽的记忆.当我小的时候,我总是很早起床去学校,穿过晨雾 写一个景色美丽的小山村写句广告词下面几句诗写出了山村美丽风光,请你为这个景色美丽的小山村广告词.(1)绿树村边合,青山郭外斜.(2)一水护田将绿绕,两山排闼送青来.(3)山穷水复疑无路,柳 词语:僻静的山村好还是宁静的山村好就是我们卷子上有一个连线僻静 山谷宁静 山村请问那个跟哪个连 100分.有学问的来.我感觉是僻静的山村好.因为小山村基本都是在大山里的.所以比较僻 我来自一个贫困的山村,父母都外出务工,自然我成了留守儿童,渐渐我长大了,我发现我对这个社会总是格格不入,我该怎么办呢? 英语翻译1、我来自中国天津,那是一个美丽的城市.2、这件事多有趣啊! 一个山村教师的春节 英语翻译:重庆是中国西部的一个重要城市,它以山城著称,越来越多的中外游客前来观光 英语翻译:重庆是中国西部的一个重要城市,它以山城著称,越来越多的游客前来观光 英语翻译句子今年暑假我想去中国西部的某地旅游 英语翻译女士们先生们,我的名字叫XX,来自日照市实验中学初三1班.很高兴能参加这次比赛,我给大家带来一个小笑话,希望大家喜欢.(后面再加上一个英语笑话) grow与grow up的区别,要举例说明哦,例如:他生长在一个小山村. 英语翻译怎么简单就怎么翻译,尽量多攒点单词数xxx年出生于xxx市xxx县的一个偏僻的小山村,我有一个快乐的童年,尽管父母都不在身边.在祖父和祖母照顾下,6岁的我步入了小学的校园.由于村子 歌词:那年我来到一个小山村,身后是阵阵的浮华烟云.歌名是什么?歌词:那年我来到一个小山村,身后是阵阵的浮华烟云.拿起锄头我偶尔会想起钢笔,看见笑容我偶尔面带忧郁.歌名谁能告诉我