
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/03 13:30:15


Buddha,Sakyamuni Buddha is also,the ancient India,Kapilavastu,Prince,was not eager for the world of love,desire and enjoy.Travel from the city of four,see Health,aging,disease,death and other phenomena,and cultivating Walker,the deep life of suffering and impermanence,then the eruption of the ambition of family monasticism.29-year-old,the night out of the palace,since the strip crown for Salmonella.Zhu practice of visiting the world,Ranbi neither reached the realm of liberation,Prince Sheng Hui show its not exactly at the,to the ascetic forest,began six years of ascetic life,penance during the eclipse a hemp wheat,although to the body skinny,nor take Bodhi,then the ascetic forest.The spirit of compassion,the flesh to feed the eagle to the body feeding tigers,all evil with Mo,the public good,pursue,and change thy witness the eternal body of law."Shan Hai Jing",gave birth to the dawn of heaven and earth born,the initial chaos,Pangu by virtue of his divine power opened up the world.His left eye into the sun,right eye became the moon; hair and beard became the stars of the night sky; his body into the East,West,North and South quadrupole and majestic Sanshanwuyue; blood becomes rivers; teeth,bones and bone marrow into the underground mineral deposits; skin and fine hair on the land of vegetation; sweat into the rain.The Pangu wizard soul also his death into the human.



英语翻译如来佛祖,亦为释迦牟尼佛,本是古印度迦毗罗卫国太子,却并不贪恋这些世间的情、欲和享受.曾由城之四门出游,见生、老、病、死等现象及以修道的行者,深感人生之苦痛与无常,遂萌 释迦牟尼是不是达摩老祖?达摩老祖是不是如来佛祖?如来佛祖是不是释迦牟尼? 释迦牟尼佛和如来佛是一个佛吗?佛祖是谁? 佛祖一般指释迦牟尼佛,阿弥陀佛可以叫佛祖吗 英语翻译同时要 如来佛祖的翻译 如来佛祖怎么翻译?也就是说英文里是怎么叫如来佛祖的? 孔子是哲学家吗?佛祖释迦牟尼算哲学家吗?为什么? ★释迦牟尼★达摩祖师★如来佛祖★三人是什么关系啊?这三人都是干什么的? 如来佛祖是谁 如来佛祖拈花一笑是什么意思? 佛祖是不是释迦牟尼如果佛祖是释迦牟尼的话,那释迦牟尼为什么还要下凡人间还要修行成佛?如果这样的话那么释迦牟尼出生前难道就没有灵魂没有六道了吗?是不是有一个万佛之佛派的释迦 佛祖释迦牟尼来自哪个国家 我求到的是:第十四优楼频螺尊者.佛祖释迦牟尼弟子 乃迦叶三兄弟之长者,本为外道论师,后率诸弟及弟子同归依佛祖,甚得器重,性格严峻而骄傲.诗云:逆水行舟欲西游,纤夫竭力进滩头;军 太上老君与如来佛祖创始元灵有四个徒弟,鸿钧道人,混鲲祖师,女娲娘娘和陆压道君太上老君,也就是老子是鸿钧道人的大弟子,如来佛祖是混鲲祖师的大弟子.那么太上老君(老子)和如来佛祖是 释迦牟尼佛祖师的拼音怎么写? 孙悟空第一个师傅是(),它的兵器原是大禹治水的 又唤 大闹天宫后被如来佛祖压在 唐僧为他取名为() 南无本师释迦牟尼佛! 是什么意思? 西游记里悟空用金箍棒捅破天,玉帝请如来佛祖的情节 是哪一集