
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/04 17:49:41


M3;ACAACBBDDB 情景交际;AECGB 完型;BBACBCADDA阅读;阅读1.ACCDB 阅读2.第一问because many things you need to pack depend on the place. 第二问;an umbrella 第三问;yes 第四问;books or music 第五问;Travel goods. 阅读3;GCFEA 完型2;1.busy 2.on 3.his 4.in 5.go shopping 6.by 7.with 8.then 9.is going to 10. half an hour 完型3;1.writing 2.pen pals 3.will 4.have 5.Monday 句子翻译;找百度