
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/04 10:58:56

关键词:陈第 东番记 郑和 贻铃 狗也 辨析

For over 300 years,from the 31st year of the reign of Emperior Wanli,Ming Dynasty (1603),"An Account of the Eastern Barbarians" (《东番记》),written by Chen-di (陈第),has been a literary term for historical reference on many accounts.Amongst these references,"Bequeath to the coastal Fujian" (《闽海赠言》) has quoted the whole original text,while other quotes give an account of the bell-gift anecdote.Thus,it can be seen that the bell-gift is an important anecdote in "An Account of the Eastern Barbarians" .However,it is said in the anecdote,"left a bell for Pasai as a gift for wearing around the neck,like dogs".It leaves so much room for interpretation - whether the bell gift is meant to be demeaningful,treating Pasai like a pet dog.Therefore,since the Ming Dynasty,many scholars have doubts about the "dog" reference and chosen to avoid interpreting same.While this paper presents the findings of this anecdote,it reviews Zheng-he's mission to resolve the territorial disputes with Japan and to subdue the eastern barbarians.This paper provides for an in-depth examination of the anecdote and its controversy - whether leaving the bell-gift after failing to meet with Pasai has any real claim,whether the bell-gift signifies a "name-calling" insult,whether the naming of "dog country" and "showing hostile attitude" has any real evidence.
Keywords:Chen-di,"An Account of the Eastern Barbarians",Zheng-he,bell-gift,dog,analysis

英语翻译标题∶郑和“贻铃”史实辨析摘要∶陈第的《东番记》,自明万历卅一年(1603)问世至民国初这300余年间,曾被十多部史籍文献转引.其中《闽海赠言》为全文刊载,余者大多是引述郑 英语翻译论文的标题也要翻译,然后是摘要和关键词内容如下:论法律文书语言的规范性[摘要]法律文书作为法律活动的文字载体,真实客观地记载了立案、侦察、起诉、审判、执法等诉讼活动 概述郑和下西洋的史实... 英语翻译标题:浅谈新经济条件下的企业文化建设【摘要】随着知识经济时代的到来和经济全球化、竞争国际化的发展,企业文化作为企业发展的内在驱动力和决定企业兴衰的关键因素发挥着 英语翻译就标题,标题! 英语翻译我写了一篇历史毕业论文,论文要求把:标题、摘要、关键词,翻译成英语,本人英语水平有限,标题是————试论汉初的“休养生息”政策.摘要是————秦朝末年,天下大乱,群雄并 英语翻译要注册登记摘要和注册登记机动车 英语翻译包括标题和前后的独白, 英语翻译标题 英语翻译标题 英语翻译论文摘要 英语翻译会计英语摘要 英语翻译项目管理在NM数据库平台项目建设中的应用刚才以为大神帮我翻译了摘要,太感激了,还有个标题没翻译 英语翻译从“摘要”开始翻译. 英语翻译链接论文摘要翻译 怎样写一个关于地球的环境和资源的读书报告?要求和论文形式差不多,有标题啊,中英文摘要,正文,结论.大概5000字左右吧! 谁可以教我一下如何将摘要、摘要的英文翻译和目录所在页设置成一种页码,正文设置成另一种页码.同时目录标题不在生成的目录列表中.拜托了,急! 急寻高手帮我翻译下论文的英文摘要,立刻追加50分!标题 :中外资银行经营治理和发展战略的比较 [摘要] 近年来,金融全球化发展趋势越来越快,外资银行纷纷涌入中国,为中国银行业的发展与