英文中 严厉的措辞,怎么说?eg.) 对方答应的事情一直没有去做,一拖再拖.邮件催了好多次仍然没有回复,电话也打不通,这时候邮件抄送他的boss 措辞要严厉一些,如何表达比较好?

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/08 13:47:22

英文中 严厉的措辞,怎么说?
eg.) 对方答应的事情一直没有去做,一拖再拖.邮件催了好多次仍然没有回复,电话也打不通,这时候邮件抄送他的boss 措辞要严厉一些,如何表达比较好?

This has reference to the email we sent to company on xxx(date).Kindly note that your representative Mr./Ms.xxx hasn't replied to our queries and numerous follow-ups.We cannot contact him/her through the phone.
We hope by bringing this matter to your attention that this matter will be resolved quickly.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


strict language