
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 05:48:44

There is somthing wrong with my car……

My car is broken, I have to take the car to repair. I think that car will be
repaired soon, but after two hours before they begin to repair. They should have
the car repaired in an hour ago. We were about to go to the park on foot, this
is, less than half an hour they promised to fix the car. The workers just
repaired the car when it began to rain. There is nothing worse than this. If you
can will car fixed in half when I was a child, I would be most grateful.

My car broke down, I had to put the car repaired. I think thecar will be fixed soon, but two hours later they began torepair. They should put the car repaired in one hour ago.We are going to take walk...


My car broke down, I had to put the car repaired. I think thecar will be fixed soon, but two hours later they began torepair. They should put the car repaired in one hour ago.We are going to take walk to the park, that is, they promise not to half an hour will be able to fix the car. The workers have just the car when it began to rai. There is nothingworse than this. If you can in half an hour when the car repaired, I would be grateful.


英语翻译我的车子坏了,我只好把车子拿去修理.我以为不久车就会修好,可是过了两个小时他们才开始修车.他们本该在一个小时前就把车修好.我们正要冒险步行去公园,这是,他们许诺不到半个 电动车开动时后轮震动厉害.前天下大雨,车子在水淹的马路上走,第二天白天用好好的,晚上用就震的厉害还有相声.今天拿去修,师傅说控制器坏了要收110元,后来我又开了开又好了,充了电开回 英语翻译freakout 是吓坏,意识不就是:之后的生活我总不能一直被车子吓坏 英语翻译:他们的车子被我弄脏了.祝好人一生平安~ 车子的空调系统进了蟑螂我也是这样想的,把它清理出来, 我的车子在路上追尾别人的车子把自己车的保险杠撞坏了,当时赶着上班没有打电话给保险公司来看现场,请问 解梦:我梦到车子丢了,是亲戚的车 请问我的车子最近冒白烟是怎么回事? 我的车子我吧 示宽灯改成led的了!这样对车子有没有什么影响!我改成蓝色led了!亮度还可以! 我的汽车燃油压力调节器坏了,不要它可以吗,有什么坏处我的汽车燃油压力调节器坏了,我把它真空管那头封死了,相当于不用它了,车子照样开的还可以, 从旧的变为新的的成语越多越好比如我把车子洗了一遍 用这些成语来形容洗后的车子越过越好。 如何写情诗我的名字是潘海洋,对方马雪平.相遇是因为我开车时不小心把她车子撞了,谁能帮我写首诗.. 我车子的ABS故障灯亮了是什么原因啊,怎么办啊 车轮陷泥怎么办下雨的天气``我车子一个轮子掉进泥吭里去了``怎么也出不来```越陷越深! 我的车子仪表上出现这个,如题 安徽省滁州市地震了 有震感!今天晚上八点10分我坐在车子里面车子停在那里没开 突然车子在摇晃 我还以为是有人在外面恍呢,过了一个小时都说是地震呢 我才想起来我的车子怎么会恍 !后 英语翻译英语翻译.用主胃结构翻译.1.这个盒子重五公斤2.秋天有些鸟飞到南方去3.我的爷爷早晨起得很早4.每天下午有许多学生到图书馆来借书5.我会试一下的6.昨晚睡得好吗?7.车子坏了 车子走保险步骤是怎么样子的?我的车子在国道上开被一辆卡车掉下来的东西砸到了车漆刮花了 一个车灯也刮花了《没坏 有点碎了》 由于是新车 我想弄好 问4S店说换个灯罩没有 要么换个灯