
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/06 10:51:30


On one day,Mr Wang wanted go to post office,but he was in the bus
stop .And then he asked the way of nearby lady.The lady telled him
no post office near here,he must take NO.1 bus to the People's
Hospital.The post office left in the hospital.

It was Sunday and it was hot. Mr Wang was at the bus stop. He wanted to go to the post office but he didn't know if there was a post office near here. So he asked a lady nearby. The lady told him that...


It was Sunday and it was hot. Mr Wang was at the bus stop. He wanted to go to the post office but he didn't know if there was a post office near here. So he asked a lady nearby. The lady told him that there wasn't a post office near here. He had to take No.1 Bus to the People's Hospital and the post office was on the left of it. He thanked her very much. With the lady's help, he finally found the post office so he was very happy.


Mrs Wang lived in the train station.He wanted to go to the post office to send a letter.So he asked a woman about how to go to the train station.The woman told him,there wassn't a post office,he had g...


Mrs Wang lived in the train station.He wanted to go to the post office to send a letter.So he asked a woman about how to go to the train station.The woman told him,there wassn't a post office,he had got to take no.1 bus to the People Hospital.Then ,it was easy to see that post office was in the right near the hospital.


,急王先生在汽车站,他想去邮局,于是他向附近的一位女士问路.那位女士告诉他附近没有邮局,他得乘1路车到人民医院,邮局就在医院左边.60词左右 他下午去邮局用英语怎么说 他向王先生介绍他的家人 翻译 英语翻译于是他向身边的行人询问.而这个行人也不知道,王先生便道了谢去问那边的警察.警察告诉了他. Mike 初次来到上海,在去逛街的是现在他在向警察询问去邮局的路Mike 初次来到上海,在去逛街的是现在他在向警察询问去邮局的路lost my way(迷路),how,post office,Garden hotel,by taxi,by bus 根据给出 初一 英语 英语作文 请详细解答,谢谢! (13 15:59:12)PUAI要去火车站,但他不知道去火车站的路.于是他向警察求助,警察告诉他火车站在五公里外,乘18路车在第三站下车,火车站就在汽车站对面. 汉译英:他在邮局隔壁.在鞋店处向左转.然后直行8分钟.在医院处下车. 一次,联合国大会上,英国工党的外交官与苏联外交部长莫洛托夫发生争辩,在他感到理屈词穷的时候,忽然想起莫洛托夫出身贵族,于是灵机一动,向他重新发动攻势:”莫洛托夫先生,你是贵族出 猎人的机械手表智力题答案智力题猎人的手表坏了,他没有可以对照时间的,于是他去了城镇.出门前他的手表是上午六点三十五(时间不准.手表放在了家中)途中经过邮局,时间很准是上午九点, 根据提示,编写一段问路的英语对话(初一水平)李太太想去邮局,但是不知道如何走,于是就向你询问,你告诉她沿着Greenstreet直走,在第二个十字路口向右拐,在她的右侧有个银行,邮局就在银行的 英语作文——根据下面的提示,编写一段题目为“问路”的对话王太太想去邮局,但不知道如何走,于是就向你询问,你告诉她沿着Green Street直走,在第二个十字路口向右转,在她的面前有一个银行, 一位来自英国西部的旅游者,驱车在华盛顿市内行使时迷路了.于是他向一位过路人问话:先生,请问国务院在哪一边?完全有希望,这位当地人回答说:在我们这一边这位当地人答非所问的原因 《回忆鲁迅先生》的阅读题(急,)海婴每晚临睡时必向爸爸妈妈说:“明朝会!” 有一天他站在上三楼去的楼梯口上喊着:“爸爸,明朝会!” 鲁迅先生那时正病的沉重,喉咙里边似乎有痰,那 一位同学想利用爸爸出差的机会随父亲去泰山玩,于是向班主任请假.如果你是班主任,如何拒绝她,他才会服 翻译成英文.1.邮局在哪里?他在右边.2.书店在我们学校的东边.3.笔直走三分钟,然后向左转. 帮忙写一篇英语短文.根据提示,编一段对话:六大大想去万国银行,但不知道如何去,于是向你问路.你告诉她沿着格林大街走,走新街公园向左拐,她会看到万国银行在邮局的对面. 在鲁迅先生的追悼会上,假如他曾经救助过的车夫来向鲁迅先生作最后告别,他会说些什么? 张强同学是一个集邮爱好者,他想利用下午上课时间去邮票展厅开开眼界.于是他就请好朋友王明向班主任请假谎称身体不适不能到校上课.作为好朋友的王明显然不愿意去说谎.假如你是王明,