
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/03 03:23:35


I don't think we should always be thinking of a way to deal with something quickly,which may be too hard for you.As a matter of fact,we should slow down and lay a good foundation to make sure that we can go farther.

I don't think we should think about how to accomplish a difficult thing rapidly. Perhaps this is too hard for you. In fact, you should not be too impatient. What you should do is slow down, make a good start. Only in this way can you make a further progress.

I think we should not always think to quickly complete a complex thing, perhaps this is too difficult for you. In fact, we should not be overly eager, to slow down, to lay the foundation so that you will be able to go further.

I hold that we should not always rush to fulfill a complex thing, which maybe too hard for you. On the contrary, we should slow down, lay a good foundation and then you can go further.

I don't think we always dream of accomplishing something complex in a short time,may be it's difficult for you now.In fact ,we can't s place us on the eage all the time,relax youself, lay a good foundation,thus,you will be successful.

I think we shouldn't rush at a comprehensive task, which might be too hard for you. Actually, we should slow our pace and try at the basics first. Only in this way will you be able to achieve much more in the long run.

"I think we should not always think of completing a complex matter too quickly, which may be too difficult for you. In fact, we should not be overly eager. Slow down. Lay a good foundation . So that you can go farther. "

I don't think it is too dificult for us to finish one complicatied thing quickly. In fact, we should be not more impatient, make the steps slow and bulild the base, so you must get further.

英语翻译“我认为我们不应该总想着去快速完成一件复杂的事情,或许这对你来说太难了.其实,我们不该过份急切,放慢节奏,打好基础,这样你一定能走得更远.” 我认为我们不应该做同一条路 用英语翻译 也许他在英语方面较薄弱,我们不可以只想着自己,应该帮助他.用英语翻译 我认为我们应该采取一些措施..(英语翻译) 英语翻译我认为”needed不应该用过去式. 英语翻译我认为不应该安装空调 英文急 英语翻译我不知道怎么来安慰你,只能去默默的看着,想着, 英语翻译当我们看到有人陷入困难境地时,我们不应想着如何使少数人脱离苦海,而应该考虑用怎样的方式教会他们在逆境中求生,从而通过大家的努力集体摆脱困境.中译英。 英语翻译随着世界的发展,国际交流越来越多.各国的文化相互影响.我认为价值观也会有对有错,我们应该取其精华,去其糟粕.翻译 英语翻译 昨天他不应该去上班 我们不应该逃避问题用英语翻译 英语翻译我们不应该学坏 英语翻译有时候,我们也应该去旅行.英语翻译 我认为我们不能走同一条路线,应该走不同的路线 英语翻译 英语翻译在我认为,大学生活应该是丰富多彩的.大学生活是我们人生关键时刻,作为一名大学生应该好好把握,让它成为我们人生道路的基石,而不是埋葬我们美好人生的坟墓.首先学习是不可以 我认为那不严重.英语翻译 英语翻译:助人为乐是中华名族的传统美德,我们不应该为了获得回报而去帮助他人. 英语翻译1.我认为它不经常发生2.他应该6点钟达到