
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/16 16:04:38


Chemical (storage) tanks is often putted together with a big amount,the storage of chemical raw materials usually are inflammable,explosive,toxic,corrosive,sometimes personnel poisoning accident and fire can caused by leakage accident,that will make a immeasureable losses on person and property,so the safety elements are very important.
This article mainly analysis the characteristic and hazard of fire in storage erea,and through the analysis cases,elaborate the damage caused by the fire in the chemical tanks area,and puts forward some prevention and control measures of fire in chemical storage area .

Chemical storage tanks are usually put together in a large mass, but the stored chemical materials are inflammable, explosive, toxic and corrosive, If an accidental leakage happens ,it can cause seri...


Chemical storage tanks are usually put together in a large mass, but the stored chemical materials are inflammable, explosive, toxic and corrosive, If an accidental leakage happens ,it can cause serious safty accidence, such as a fire, personnel poisoning ,etc,so as to has made an immeasureable loss on person and property,therefore, the safety of it is very important.


Chemical storage tank is often a lot together, and storage of chemical raw materials often for infl...


Chemical storage tank is often a lot together, and storage of chemical raw materials often for inflammable, explosive, toxic, or corrosive materials, accident leakage may cause fire, personnel poisoning and other major safety accident, the personnel and property cause inestimable losses, the factor of safety is very important.
This article mainly through to the tank fire characteristics and hazard analysis, through the case analysis on chemical storage tank area fire brings harm, and put forward some chemical storage tank area fire prevention and control measures.


英语翻译化工储罐常常是大量聚集在一起,而贮存的化工原料常常为易燃,易爆,有毒性,或腐蚀性原料,发生意外泄漏则可能引发火灾,人员中毒等重大安全事故,对人员和财产造成不可估量的损失 氢气是由大量什么聚集而成的?氢分子是由什么自相结合构成的?氧气是由大量什么聚集而成的? 太空是怎么来的?难道是多个黑洞聚集在一起爆炸而来的吗? 水是由大量的()聚集而成的.水分子的运动导致了水的三态变化.水分子()能量时 水是由大量的()聚集而成的.水分子的运动导致了水的三态变化.水分子()能量时,运动(),分子间的间 集合,聚集在一起是什么词语 为什么镁离子和碳酸氢根离子可以大量共存?他俩不是双水解吗?可是大量微溶物聚集在一起不就成沉淀了吗? 氢气球中氢气是由大量()聚集成的,氢分子是由()自相结合而成的.氧分子是由()自相结合而成. 英语翻译这是化工方面的,不太懂 身体某处受伤,伤口发炎并出现红肿现象,这是因为伤口周围?A聚集大量的红细胞运输氧B聚集大量的血小板加速凝血C聚集大量的白细胞吞噬病菌D聚集大量的血浆运输养料和废物 Fe(OH)3胶粒是指的什么 是几个Fe(OH)3分子聚集在一起形成的 还是一个Fe(OH)3分子被其他的分子(如水分子)包住而形成的 肉眼能看到星团吗?我所在的城市空气很好,而且是高海拔地区,晚上常常看到满天星星.有些聚集在一起,很模糊的小星星,跟我在书上看到的星团的图片长得很像,我想知道,这些真的是星团吗? 为什么会有云朵?As we know ,云朵是一些液态水的集合,也就是一些小水珠,那么这些小水珠怎么会聚集在一起形成云朵,而不会马上分开呢? 大家聚集在一起是什么哪个词语 英语翻译 过去常常是沉默的 夏季常常雷电闪鸣,是由于( ) A.有同种电荷的云团相遇而互相作用 B.有异种电荷的云团相遇而互相作用C.云团的大量小冰晶互相摩擦而产生 英语翻译每逢除夕夜,家人都会聚集在一起吃团圆饭.在很多地方,人们喜欢放烟花.饺子是最传统的食物.孩子们很喜欢过年,因为他们可以吃美食,穿新衣.他们还可以得到父母给的红包. 电压是电路中什么的原因,电源的作用是在电源正极聚集大量的什么,在电源的负极聚集大量的什么八年级物理第二学期 人教实验版