
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/05 17:06:35


Young at heart
Good evening,I have great honor today to stand here and give my speech titled young at heart.
I think there’s no doubt that everyone of us loves the period of youth.now let me ask you some questions.how do you give a definition of the youth?whats the mean idea do you think for “young at heart”?having a supple body?doing crazy things or possessing a slim figure and a pretty face?
well,diffirent people have diffirent criterions for this topic.when I began to talk about my idea of“young at heart”,I think of a matter of the will,a quality of imagination,a vigor of the emotions.
Firstly,a matter of the will is very important for us all.samuel Johnson said“great works are performed not only by strength,but by perseverance”.so if the youth who don’t have a will,they must be a weak lazy and unambitious one,just like the old.if the old who has a will,they will live a life with a positive attitude and a clear goal.in a word,no matter how old you are.it can lead you to become pretty good.
Secondly,a quality of imagination is an equally important element for “young at heart”.Dont think like a robot,don’t write too mediocre.just using your intelligence to creat the ideas which are vivid,various,but realistic,as well as you can be a real young man.
What is most important is that you should have a vigor of emotions.as a real young man,you need to retain your enthusiasm and release your passion,furthermore,no matter how hard life is,you still have a positive heart,that’s the great quality.
So ,in conclusion,only if you keep young at heart,you can stay at a young age,its not depend on you age but the attitude.

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