
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/16 16:06:22


The Raise
Employee :I've been here for 11 years doing three men's work for one man's pay.Now I want a raise.
Boss :Well,I can't give you a raise,but if you'll tell me who the other two men are,I'll fire them.
员工:我在这里 11 年了,做三个人的工作,却只拿一个人的薪水.现在我要求加薪.
A Nail Or A Fly?
An old gentleman whose eyesight was failing came to stay in a hotel room with a bottle of wine in each hand.On the wall there was a fly which he took for a nail.So the moment he hung them on,the bottles fell broken and the wine spilt all over the floor.When a waitress discovered what had happened,she showed deep sympathy for him and decided to do him a favour.
So the next morning when he was out taking a walk in the roof garden,she hammered a nail exactly where the fly had stayed.
Now the old man entered his room.The smell of the spilt wine reminded him of the accident.When he looked up at the wall,he found the fly was there again!He walked to it carefully adn slapped it with all his strength.On hearing a loud cry,the kind-hearted waitress rushed in.To her great surprise,the poor old man was there sitting on the floor,his teeth clenched and his right hand bleeding!

有没有一个或两个英文短片故事?最好有中文,并且比较有趣,能在5分钟内流利地念完 有没有好的30分钟以内的英文短片?最好是一个系列的.电视剧太长了,希望有短点的,可以天天看 有没有什么关于春天的英文故事?诗词也可以,最好是故事.希望能附上中文. 有没有什么两个字的名字?第一个字的拼音开头要m的.中文的,英文的也ok最好就是中文的. 有什么好的英语诗歌或短片的英语文章?(最好都有翻译)? 有什么好的英语诗歌或短片的英语文章?(最好都有翻译)? 求 美语 动画片 最好有英文字幕,或者有经典英语对白的短片也行 求英文幽默或哲理小故事大概能讲3-4分钟,有中文对照最好 求5分钟以内的有深度的小短片 像感人的或令人思考的的之类的 最好是英文的 有没有一些关于介绍世界各地自然风光,旅游胜地的节目或短片(纪录片) 有没有短片的英语日记要普通点的 最好是流水账 求一个英文的小笑话或小故事最好带中文解释. 名人的故事或名言,最好是两个都有.不要太多,一个故事再加上主人公的5条名言 记述一个有尊严或没有尊严的故事 Rosa Parks 的英文短片简介有吗? 求一篇德语笑话或小故事,最好有中文对照RT 关于“友谊”的短篇英文小说帮忙找一下以友谊为题或小说中饱含了友谊的短篇小说~最好是英文的,中文也行~呵呵~有没有可以在网上读的?给个网址吧~最好是著名的小故事 用英文写关于圣诞节的故事!最好有中文意思,