
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/02 15:24:23

my name is Li Xiang.I'm writing a letter to you to ask for help.这是开头

My name is Li Xiang. I am writing a letter to you to ask for help. While studying English in highschool, I've met some difficulties that I would like to resolve under your instructings. Some of these difficulties include the vast quantity of vocabulary and the difficulty in memorizing them.
Some suggestions that I have for improving english is for the teacher to suggest some easier methods to learn and memorize english. Also, I would like to learn and start using the numerals between 110 and 130.
建议一下 如果想要记住英语单词 你可以把单词写在一张卡片上. 让后把意思写在后面. 这样可以时不时的考考自己单词的意思 让后翻过来看对不对. 反过来也可以考自己意思让后翻过来看是不是你想的那个单词. 如果卡片够小的话也可以带上街啊什么的...搭地铁时也可以拿出来看