
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/16 12:43:10



During the festival, people traditionally have boiled eggs painted red, representing the Swan River, also said the goddess of life after the birth of happiness; adults and children in groups of three and four gathered in one place, with colored eggs for the game; they put the eggs on the ground or on a slope rolling, finally breaking is the winner, the winner can get all the players. The event is very ordinary, even if is the White House, also want to organize this kind of game in Easter, but here is the Easter egg roll on the lawn; people believe, eggs in a ground back and forth rolls may cause the devil to tremble with fear, suffering constantly. This custom has a long history, the Easter eggs are a symbol, because it indicates the arrival of new life, I believe that new life will be born from the red off.

英语翻译节日期间,人们按照传统习俗把鸡蛋煮熟后涂上红色,代表天鹅泣血,也表示生命女神降生后的快乐;大人孩子三五成群地聚在一处,用彩蛋作游戏;他们把彩蛋放在地上或土坡上滚,最 为什么人们要保留传统习俗 人们为什么要保留春节的传统习俗 人们为什么要保留这些传统习俗 人们为什么要保留这些传统习俗? 英语翻译按照中国人的传统习俗,晚生孩子也是不孝.according to Chinese traditional custome,having babies too late was also considered unfilial to parents 为什么人们要保留关于春节的这些传统习俗呢? 作文清明扫墓.端午吃粽.中秋赏月.重阳登高这是我们中华民族的传统习俗,选择一个介绍别人要把人们在节日里 人们按照什么把世界分为13个地区? 人们通常把狗视为好朋友 英语翻译 英语翻译除了 人们把包拯笑比作黄河水清 鸡蛋表面有许多小洞洞,鸡蛋平时的呼吸就是通过这些小洞洞来进行的.为了使鸡蛋存放的时间长些,人们常把 “不要把鸡蛋放在一个篮子里”是想告诉人们什麽? 不要把鸡蛋放在同一个蓝篮子里想告诉人们什么 “不要把鸡蛋都放在一个篮子里”是想告诉人们什么 人们按照土壤中( )的多少,把土壤分为砂质土、黏质土和壤土. 英语翻译按照一个公式把人民转换成美元就这一句, 英语翻译不一定就是按照原句逐字翻译,只有把这句话的大致意义相同就可以.不要用生僻词 尽量的口语化翻译 [随着人们生活水平的提高,汽车已经很普及了]