
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/04 06:44:49


1.Our company is in the area of electronic products,one of the main importers.We take this opportunity to contact you,and look forward to working with you to establish trade relations with China.2.We are operating machinery and equipment import business has been for many years,our products are known in many countries.3.Embassy in Beijing for China's commercial counselor Department,you know the name and address.4.We understand that you are the daily-use chemical products manufacturer.We have a customer wants to buy your cosmetics,can immediately sent aircraft currently available for the directory of goods and price list,we would appreciate it.5.About our credit situation,the Bank of China Shanghai Branch of the inquiry.

1. Our company is in the area of electronic products, one of the main importers. We take this opportunity to contact you, and look forward to working with you to establish trade relations with China. ...


1. Our company is in the area of electronic products, one of the main importers. We take this opportunity to contact you, and look forward to working with you to establish trade relations with China. 2. Our business machinery and equipment import business has been for many years, our products are known in many countries. 3. Embassy in Beijing for China's commercial counselor Department, you know the name and address. 4. We understand that you are the daily-use chemical products manufacturer. We have a customer wants to buy your cosmetics, can immediately sent aircraft currently available for the directory of goods and price list, we would appreciate it. 5. About our credit situation, the Bank of China Shanghai Branch of the inquiry.


英语翻译1.我们公司是该地区电子产品的主要进口商之一.我们借此机会与贵方接洽,希望与贵方建立贸易关系.2.我们公司经营机械设备的进口业务已多年,我们的产品在许多国家享有盛誉.3.承 英语翻译两者有什么区别吗?我们公司是做电子产品的。 英语翻译要音译,公司主要经营项目是电子产品 英语翻译是电子产品之类的词 英语翻译我们公司是一家大型的电子产品公司,经营的方面有电视、电脑、手机等.为了能够配合我们公司的快速扩张,我们需要一些高素质、并且有丰富经验的人加入到我们的团队中来,共同分 英语翻译我们是酒店公司 研发部门需要的标语是研发部门的标语,公司是与电子产品有关. 我的公司名是“铭和京创”,谁的英语好,帮我找个匹配的英文词吧.我们公司主要是做代理电子产品的 英语翻译因为这次货款是打入私人帐号,所以我们通过货代找的一家出口公司,发票和箱单都是该出口公司做的. 在我们的校园生活当中有哪些常见的电子产品?在我们的校园中有很多的科技产品,但是我们无法分清那是否是电子产品 英语翻译本公司是日化线塑身行业优质品牌的化妆品公司,该品牌在中国大陆有12年的销售经验,现为了进军东南亚地区,特此招商: 电子产品公司英文翻译 1.李某10月份取得工资4500元,稿费5000元,讲课收入1000元,计算个人所得税,2.M公司委托外贸公司进口电子产品200台,离岸价位20000元,另外支付2000元运输费和140元保险费,关税税率为30%,该电子产品的 1.阳光公司销售一种进价为21元的电子产品,按标价的九折销售,仍可获利20%,则这种电子产品的标价为多少? 英语翻译兹授权于:****公司为****系列产品在****地区的代理商,负责****系列产品在该地区的销售、推广、服务事宜. 英语翻译该公司与***贸易有限公司等多家关联企业在同一栋楼内办公,在产品供销、财务上都有合作.当我们质疑该公司的财务数据时,该公司相关人员介绍说,由于该公司是香港上市公司的特殊 英语翻译1.我公司是经营化工产品的外贸公司2.希望和贵公司建立长期的业务关系3.我们已经与世界上一百多个国家和地区的商号建立了贸易关系4.承美国驻中国大使馆商务参赞处介绍,得知贵 英语翻译翻译史密斯先生:我方从中国工商银行得之阁下的公司名称地址,获悉你放对中国的电子产品很有兴趣。我公司执着电子产品多年,产品质量好,远销海外。进来不断有澳大利亚新