
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/24 05:55:49


1.Braveness is the root for being patriotic.
2.Filial piety is the root for regulating the family.
3.Kindheartedness is the root for keeping good relations with people.
4.loyalty is the root for a successful career.
5.Peace is the root for a good conduct in the society.
6.Etiquette is the root for handling people’s affairs.
7.Doing service is the root for taking the responsibilities.
8.Thrift is the root for doing one’s service.
9.Being neat is the root for keeping a good health.
10.Helping others is the root for happiness.
11.Profound knowledge is the root for serving the country.
12.Persistence is the root for a success.

One, brave for patriotic this two, three, love the filial piety is the foundation of the terms is the foundation of the connector, the faith to insist on the five six, etiquette, peace is the foundati...


One, brave for patriotic this two, three, love the filial piety is the foundation of the terms is the foundation of the connector, the faith to insist on the five six, etiquette, peace is the foundation of the life of things for the seven of eight, thrift, obedience is responsible for the service of the nine, to strengthen the clean this decade, helping to pleasure the eleventh, for the purpose of learning this twelve, persistence is a success


One, of the gallant as patriotic
Second, filial piety is regulating the family of the
Third, caring for the Receiving of the
Fourth, the Founding of the Lutheran
Fifth, the peace of th...


One, of the gallant as patriotic
Second, filial piety is regulating the family of the
Third, caring for the Receiving of the
Fourth, the Founding of the Lutheran
Fifth, the peace of the life skills
Six, courtesy of Zhi Shi of the
Seven, obedience is responsible of the
Eight, for the service of the thrift
Nine, cleanliness is of the physical
Ten, helping the spring of happiness
Eleven, learning to save the world of the
Twelve, as the success of this exercise and


One , of the two gallant as patriotic , dutiful as regulating the family of the three , caring for the Receiving of the four , five Lutheran Founding of the peace for the life skills of the six of the seven courtesy of Zhi Shi , obedience is responsible for

英语翻译一、忠勇为爱国之本二、孝顺为齐家之本三、仁爱为接物之本四、信义为立业之本五、和平为处世之本六、礼节为治事之本七、服从为负责之本八、勤俭为服务之本九、整洁为强身 要求,读一本以爱国为主题的书,写一篇读后感 光明中学七年级一、二、三班,向希望学校共捐书385本,一班与二班捐书的本数之比为4:3,一班与三班捐书的本数之比为6:7,求二班捐书多少本? 百善孝为先·写一写关于孝顺的名言警句.如孝子之养也,乐其心,不违其志.一《礼记》 助人为快乐之本的英语翻译是什么? 英语翻译翻译题:1 古之士大夫者,以修身、齐家、治国、平天下为读书之最高境界.2 吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎?是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也. 修身、齐家、治国、平天下的英语怎么说将修身、齐家、治国、平天下翻译为英文 孝顺,一定要以顺为孝吗 签文:晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒.蓬山此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看.离下、巽上、齐家之象. 晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒.蓬山此云无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看.(离下.巽上.齐家之象) 做一件孝顺父母的事 学一种生活技能 为社区或他人服务一次 读一本好书 写一篇好心得 同时还要写五个一活动总结好的可以再加分 为中华之崛起而读书算爱国名言吗? 英语翻译这本书是专门为初中一 , 助人为快乐之本~ 英语翻译毅以魏立九品,权时之制,未见得人,而有八损,乃上疏曰:臣 闻:立政者,以官才为本,官才有三难,而兴替之所由也.人物难知,一也;爱憎难防,二也;情伪难明,三也.今立中正,定九品,高 英语翻译毅以魏立九品,权时之制,未见得人,而有八损,乃上疏曰:臣 闻:立政者,以官才为本,官才有三难,而兴替之所由也.人物难知,一也;爱憎难防,二也;情伪难明,三也.今立中正,定九品,高 爱国故事和一句以爱国为主题的名言 英语翻译一:“厂家直销的手表”二:“服务第一,诚信为本”三:“承接维修钨钢表带”.本人有急用,希望有识之士能够鼎力相助啦,