
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/09 12:36:16


I made some duplings yesterday.My mother said they were very yummy.So I decided to bring some to you and to take some compliment from you.But you were not at home.I was very disappointed.

I made some duplings which even my mother praised so I wanted to take you some and you would also praise me. But when I got to your home, I was disappointed to learn that you were not at home then.

i make some dumplings yesterday,and recieve praise frome my mother,i wanna send you some to taste,but you didn't at home,i really feel disappointed.

i made some dumplings by myself yesterday.
my mummy said they were tasty.So i took some for u to try and wanted your praise, but it was a pity that u weren't at home .how disappointing I am!

yesterday, I made some dumplings,Even my mother said that good,so i wanted give you some of dumplings,wanted you to boast me , but u not at home , i am so disappointed
翻译的不是很好的感觉 见笑 哈~~ 0(n_n)0!

翻译:昨天我自己动手包了饺子,连妈妈都说好吃,所以想送去给您尝尝想让您夸夸我,可是您却不在家,特别失望. 我妈妈给窝包了海鲜饺子怎么翻译 3.昨天我观察我妈妈包饺子了 I ( ) my mother ( ) dumplings yesterday 我学会了包饺子 我的日记学包饺子今天是正月初五,家家户户包饺子,我家也包饺子,妈妈让我跟他学包饺子,一开始我包的可难看了,后来在我的不断努力下,我也包了很多饺子,吃着自己包的饺子,我的心里高兴 爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、姐姐和我一共包了54个饺子,姐姐比我们平均每人少包2个,姐姐包了几个饺子 我学会了包饺子 400字 我学会了包饺子400字左右 我学会了包饺子 的作文 我学会了什么包饺子 考考大家,我包饺子了,是什么意思? 我和妈妈一起包饺子作文,600字, 我和妈妈包饺子 作文400 对话作文 我帮妈妈包饺子作文300字 我学会了包饺子在一个中午,妈妈在包饺子,也叫我去,妈妈就手把手的教我包.550字以上550字以上 妈妈让我学会了什么的作文.每当我吃上妈妈亲手包的饺子,我真不好意思.我已经十岁了,还要妈妈包饺子给我吃,真叫人过意不去.我想:要是我也能跟妈妈学包饺子,从那以后,我便吵着要妈妈教 昨天我对妈妈说了谎 翻译 农历大年三十方方与爸爸、妈妈一起为全家包饺子.方方包了10个饺子,妈妈包的饺子个数是方方的5倍,而且妈妈包的饺子个数与他们三个人包的饺子总个数比是1:2.爸爸包了多少个饺子?