
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 20:23:56


I have a problem,i have seen lots of years epop,i would like to know about it since long time ago.When did epop come out?I heard that it came out since 1997,but it didn't have so large dimensions as now.i have seen year 2000's one,but they were all 192K quality.You know that?

I have a questiong Having been watching epop so many years,I always want to make it sure when the epop appeared.It is said 97,but it wasn't
used as widely as now.I have seen the 2000 versions whi...


I have a questiong Having been watching epop so many years,I always want to make it sure when the epop appeared.It is said 97,but it wasn't
used as widely as now.I have seen the 2000 versions which are all 192k quality.Do you know
机器翻译的如下There is a problem, read so many years epop, always wanted to find out. When did this epop Some, I heard that there is around 97, but not such a big scale now. I have seen work in 2000, are 192 k sound. Did you know ... »


英语翻译看了这么多年epop,一直想搞清楚.这个epop从什么时候有的,听说97年左右就有了,不过没现在规模那么大.我见过2000年作品,都是192k音质. 学英语真难了,这么多年了一直开不了口, 什么是正确地世界观、人生观、价值观?怎样培养?浑浑噩噩的过了这么多年一直不知道人生的真正意义,想请各位学者、圣人…解答下? 英语翻译哪有这么容易!怎么搞清各成分之间关系 这么多年了.一直有个问题没搞懂.这么多年了总想不明白一件事.为什么小明一听就是小朋友,小张小王之类的一听就像大人,而小李一直都是司机,张三李四永远的好基友 还有王麻子总是隔壁的 英语翻译受伤的时候蹲下来抚摸自己的影子 对它说一声谢谢 这么多年你一直陪着我!求英语翻译啊! 为何长江流域的洪灾一直很严重?这么多年了,我国政府一直对长江流域的水灾问题焦头烂额.为何长江流域水灾频繁?为何治理多年的长江还是未能摆脱水患? “斜刺里”在哪里可以查到它的意思看了几个例句,终究没有搞清是什么意思, 图上这个字咋念?看了这么多年网球王子、桃的绝杀还不知道怎么念. 英语翻译感谢你这么多年对我地照顾(英文) ”亟“这个字原来我念了这么多年错的,我一直念亟(shì)待解决的! 英语翻译我知道我们已经有很多年没有联系了,但是这么多年我一直都没有忘记过你.我不知道自己是不是很傻.每个人都会变,你可能也变的不是以前的那个你了.但是没关系!请听我说,我爱 为什么路程除以速度等于时间 用了这么多年, 活了这么多年见过好多美女! 这么多年了,美国为什么没有第二次登月? `读书读了这么多年,你都学到了什么. 跟自己说声对不起这么多年一直没有学会爱自己是什么意思 英语翻译高中跟你做同桌的时候,从你的外貌来看,我一直你为你是个爷们,现在看来原来你是一个美女.看来高中三年是你人生的分水岭.真怀念高中的时光,一晃都这么多年了.