keep in/from/off

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/03 18:28:04

keep in/from/off

keep in
1.control 抑制
*You should keep in your bad temper.你应该控制你的坏脾气.
*Jim was very angry but he kept himself in.吉姆很气愤,不过还是忍住了.
2.(make)stay indoors(使)留在室内
*It's best to keep in while the temperature is so far below freezing point.气温在零下很多度的时候最好不要外出.
*Bad weather has kept the children in for a week.糟糕的天气已经使孩子们在家里呆了一星期.
*We were kept in by the rain.下雨了,我们出不去.
3.continue burning 继续燃烧
*Will the fire keep in till we get back?这火能一直燃烧到我们回来吗?
*The stove will keep in all night if you put enough coal into it.如果在炉子里放足够的煤的话,这炉火可烧一夜.
4.detain after normal school hours (as a punishment,etc.)把(学生)留在学校晚回家(作为惩罚等)
*Our teacher was in a bad temper today.She kept us all in for half an hour.今天老师脾气不好,她把我们留在学校晚放学半个小时.
keep from
1.not let others know it;not tell 保密
*You'd better keep the bad news from Mother.你最好不要把这坏消息告诉母亲.
*Keep the news from him;he will tell everyone about it.不要把这消息告诉他,他会见人就说的.
2.prevent from;hold back 阻止
*The government is considering further action to keep the pound from falling in value.政府正在考虑采取进一步行动以阻止英镑贬值.
*Urgent business kept me from attending the meeting.我因为有急事,所以没有参加会议.
*You'd better keep your daughter from going out at night.你最好禁止你女儿夜间外出.
3.hold oneself back from;stop or prevent oneself from doing sth.避免;不做某事;戒除
*He keeps from alcohol.他戒酒了.
*Can you keep from repeating gossip?你能避免搬弄是非吗?
*I hope you will keep from doing anything rash.我希望你不要做任何鲁莽的事情.
*The doctor advised me to keep from smoking.医生劝我戒烟.
*If you get to know him,you can't keep from liking him.你了解他以后,就不会不喜欢他.
keep off
1.prevent from coming near使不接近
*Mary tends to keep off from people who try to be friendly too suddenly.玛丽一般不去接近那些突然变得亲热起来的人.
2.remain at a distance 勿走近;站在远处
*The police told the boys to keep off the grass.警察告诉孩子们勿踏草地.
*Keep off!Keep off!The train is moving.闪开!闪开!火车开动了.
*Keep your hands off!勿用手摸!
3.(rain,snow,etc.)not begin;be delayed(雨、雪等)不下;推迟
*Will the rain keep off until the game?雨会比赛以后才下吗?
*I hope the rain will keep off half an hour or so,for I've forgotten ot bring an umbrella.我希望这场雨等半个小时左右再下,因为我忘记带伞了.
4.hinder from approach or attack 阻止;驱散
*Smoke will keep off mosquitoes.烟雾可驱散蚊子.
*The explorers made a camp fire to keep off wild animals.探险队员们燃起篝火,使野兽不敢走近.
5.not eat or drink;refrain from 不吃;不喝;戒
*The only way to get your weight down is to keep off fattening foods,and cut out alcohol altogether.减轻体重的唯一办法,就是不吃会使人发胖的食物,并彻底戒酒.
*You'd better try to keep off strong spirits.你最好不喝烈性酒.
6.not mention;avoid不提;避开(话题)
*You'd better keep off the religious issues and talk about smoething else.你最好回避宗教问题,讲讲别的内容.

keep in
eg.keep my baby alive in my heart 让我的宝贝永远存活在我的心中吧
keep in touch 与……保持联系
keep in mind 记住
keep sb in shape 保持体形
It's ...


keep in
eg.keep my baby alive in my heart 让我的宝贝永远存活在我的心中吧
keep in touch 与……保持联系
keep in mind 记住
keep sb in shape 保持体形
It's best to keep in while the temperature is too low.
She tried to keep her anger in.
Please keep the secret in.
keep from
keep from 阻止,抑制,避开
eg.1.His ex-wife had kept him from seeing his children.他的前妻不让他看孩子们。
2.He couldn't keep from laughing. 他忍不住大笑。
3.keep sb. from hurting himself 防止某人受伤
keep away from:使离开,站开.
eg.I told the chilren to keep away from the fire. (远离生火)
keep off; 不接近,不让接近
eg.1.Keep off the grass. 勿踏草地
2.He drew the curtain to keep the sun off. 他拉上窗帘遮住阳光。
