
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/09 05:11:59


Go out back to the place where you are from

go to where you come here

go back to the place where you come from

Go back where you came.
===Go back to the place where you came from
Now go back where you came YESTERDAY.--------明白了吗?

You go back to where come from.你用英语骂人,简直侮辱英语。

Please you return where you came from.

guy! fuck off where you come from ,ok ?!

Go back to the way to go:滚回娘胎里去吧!
等同于:Go back to your mothers womb,
近义于:You should never have been made.
或者直译Go back where you come from(这和上述比起来不够狠) Go back to Hell where you come from(再附加...


Go back to the way to go:滚回娘胎里去吧!
等同于:Go back to your mothers womb,
近义于:You should never have been made.
或者直译Go back where you come from(这和上述比起来不够狠) Go back to Hell where you come from(再附加一句)


Go back where you belong。这句话就是这个意思,貌似这句话还地道点,在好多美片里面都听到过。

go back where you come from.

You go back to where come from.