
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/05/29 12:58:02


在各种数字串当中,除了银行卡的密码,就数自己的电话号码最值得记住了.如果你刚刚换了电话号码,还没有来得及记住,那么请尝试用英语记住它.假设你的电话号码是 58585918,我不反对你用中文记成“我发我发,我就要发”,但建议你同时也试着用英文记.这不仅因为我们兴许有需要用英文告知别人电话号码的时候,而且因为电话号码是训练我们对英文数字敏感度的最好工具.
电话号码虽然只有几个数字,但要像说中文那样一口气报出来,还是不太容易的.很多人在实战中,都需要先把电话号码写到一张小纸条上,然后照着读.否则可能会在说出“five eight five eight five nine one eight”(58585918)后仍然十分不自信,生怕出错.对电话号码来说,错一个数字和错八个数字没有什么区别,反正结果都是打不通.
能不能顺利地用英语输出信息,取决于有没有用英语输入过这些信息.就拿那个58585918 来说吧.用中文输入的时候,编码特点是一个“我发财”的意思和“fa”的 韵 脚.用 英 文 输 入 的 编 码 与 此 完 全 不 同,没 有 了“ 发 财” 的 意 思,韵 脚 也 由
“fa”变成了 /ei/.但我们还是可以给英文一个朗朗上口的编码的,听起来像一首童谣 (nursery rhyme),很好记:five eight,five eight; five nine,one eight!你盯着这英文童谣看几遍,就不难记住这个英文电话号码了.这就是输入、编码的功劳,和“我发我发,我就要发”异曲同工.要注意童谣中的标点符号,因为这种断句方式很重要,特别是对位数比较多的数字.

重复 重复 重复。
英语语言学习 不管你是数字还是单词

怎样培养你对数字的敏感度Source: 恒星英语学习网 Onion 2011-02-15 我要投稿 论坛 Favorite
  Being able to speak a language is they key to understanding numbers, scientists have discovered. A research project found ...


怎样培养你对数字的敏感度Source: 恒星英语学习网 Onion 2011-02-15 我要投稿 论坛 Favorite
  Being able to speak a language is they key to understanding numbers, scientists have discovered. A research project found that deaf people who had not learned a language containing symbols used for counting were unable to comprehend any number greater than three. Experts said the reason was that they had not studied the familiar ‘count list’ of one to ten that most people are taught when they are young.
  有科学家经过研究后发现,语言能力高的人对数字的敏感度也很高,在实验中科学家发现,失聪的人没有掌握关于“数字语言”情况下,认识的数字不超过3个。专家分析,他们对数字不敏感的主要原因在于这些失聪的人在年幼的时候没有学会怎样数数(1--10),专家总结到:数字与语言能力有着重大联系。  Children learn such a sequence even before they know what it means and it stays hardwired into their brain for the rest of their lives. The study is the first to identify the link between language and numeracy and was carried out by researchers at the University of Chicago. They studied deaf people from Nicaragua who had created their own unique sign language to talk to one another. These so-called ‘homesigners’ did have numbers in their culture including a monetary system, so any differences they exhibited would have to solely be due to language. The first test involved asking them to answer which had the most value out of a 10-unit, 20-unit and 100-unit coin.  因为,儿童在最年幼的时候学习“数数”时,也就是从1数到10,他们只是按照顺序一个一个数下来,并不知道这些数字所表示的意义。然而,这些数字好比硬性数据一样存储到他们的“大脑硬盘”中让他们在生活中发挥作用。据悉,这个关于数字与语言的联系方面的研究是由芝加哥大学的研究人员牵头的。科学家对来自 Nicaragua 的聋哑人做研究时发现,他们也有他们自己的  “金融系统”。他们用他们自己特色的手语来表达数字时,只要用语言来表达,他们可以正确分辨出不同纸币的大小。然而当要求他们用语言来表达更深层次的涵盖有数字的故事时,他们因手语难表达的原因,数字越大,表达起来越费劲。  Susan Goldin-Meadow, a professor in psychology at Chicago University, said: ‘It's not just the vocabulary words that matter, but understanding the relationships that underlie the words - the fact that "eight" is one more than "seven" and one less than "nine".‘Without having a set of number words to guide them, deaf homesigners in the study failed to understand that numbers build on each other in value.’  来自芝加哥大学的心理学家Susan Goldin-Meadow说:“语言表达能力强,对数字的领悟能力更强是一方面,然而,能够不仅能够说,而且倘若还能理解到数字下更深层次的含义,语言表达能力会更强。
