英语翻译This book amis at being an account of the General Disarmament Conference which opened on 2nd February ,1932,and which now,more than two and a half later,still ekes out a precarious existence,living on tolerance and only continuing at all

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This book amis at being an account of the General Disarmament Conference which opened on 2nd February ,1932,and which now,more than two and a half later,still ekes out a precarious existence,living on tolerance and only continuing at all because no Great Power will accept responsibility for delivering the coup de grace.

这段翻译里有两个词你可以再推敲一下,一个是第一句的account,account 有原因,理由的意思,所以翻译成记述和评述也许不够,因为我不知道你这本书的具体内容,如果只是记录会议的一般情况,就翻成记述,评述,如果书中还挖掘了裁军会议失败的原因,那就要加入原因理由的意思.另一个是tolerance,参加参军会议的各国实际上是借机限制对方军力,而没有国家真的愿意裁军,而且德国最后因为得不到“军备平等”的回应而退出.所以我认为tolerance不要翻译出容忍,宽容的意思,它实际上是大国相互推责任,相互妥协的意思,具体用词你自己可以再琢磨一下.