求识与志的繁体字《這個“識”應當讀做“誌”.誠然,以無相的空觀出發,則一切多餘;然出世又不可昧于世間法,方可契于中道,由是“識”亦無妨.》 这是我写的一篇文章评论回复,在哪已经

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/05 04:02:09

《這個“識”應當讀做“誌”.誠然,以無相的空觀出發,則一切多餘;然出世又不可昧于世間法,方可契于中道,由是“識”亦無妨.》 这是我写的一篇文章评论回复,在哪已经找不到答案.我想请教各位,这个“识”与“志”的繁体字有多少种,它的解释又是什么?谢谢大家乐

識:名詞- 1) Recognition (of truth),real understanding,power of discrimination:知識 knowledge; 常識common sense; 見識insight,intellectual discrimination; 膽識courage of one's convictions; 學識learning plus insight or definite convictions or views gained from knowledge; 才識ability and power of discrimination; 識者[shi4zhe3]↓; 意識 (2) (*[zhi4]) Record,inscriptions:款識 inscriptions on scrolls,bronze; 標識a marking sign,stick or flag.動詞- To know (a character,person):相識 v.i.& n.,know each other,acquaintance; 識得某人 know a certain person; 熟識know (person) well; 識字can read; 目不識丁 completely illiterate (“do not know even character 丁”); 賞識 認識 誌:名詞- (1) A record (of events,interch.志).(2) A monument:碑誌 memorial monument; 墓誌銘 tombstone inscription giving life record of deceased.(3) Sign,signpost:標誌 trademark; insignia,special marking card or tablet.動詞- (1) To record,inscribe for posterity:永誌不忘 inscribe for ever in memory.(2) To register (a sentiment):誌哀,誌賀,誌喜,etc.[zhi4ai1],[zhi4he4],[zhi4xi3]↓.