in a wink的中文意思

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/26 02:24:53

in a wink的中文意思

对瞎马点头和眨眼都完全一样.The neighbours were having a party and we didn't get a wink of sleep all night.
邻居举行晚会,吵得我们一夜都没合眼.The wink with which the lad of Cyllene accompanied this asseveration threw Jupiter into uncontrollable roars of laughter
库尔勒涅来的这孩子振振有词地为自己辩解,但同时又挤眨着眼睛,朱庇特见了不由得放声大笑.A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.——William Wordsworth