Not so long ago,they would be proud to proclaim that they only knew English.请教一下这句为什么用would 句型,还有not so long ago 为什么比 once upon a time 更加适合

来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/16 14:43:45

Not so long ago,they would be proud to proclaim that they only knew English.请教一下这句为什么用would 句型,还有not so long ago 为什么比 once upon a time 更加适合

怎麼看这一句是有问题的句子.Not so long ago的存在意味着本句必须是“一般过去时”的形式.完善後的句子是:
1 Not so long ago,they WERE proud to proclaim that they -- - - - .
或者是:Not so long ago,they proudly proclaimed that they -- - - .
2 Before long,they will / would be proud to proclaim that they - - - - ./
Before long,they were proud to proclaim that they - - - -
before long == soon


  • Not so long ago, Mr Malema publicly stated that he was prepared to "kill for Zuma". 

    BBC: ANC's suspension of Julius Malema 'victory for Zuma'

  • Not so long ago it was the one of the highest-flying stocks in the world. 

    CNN: D-Days for TRI

  • Not so long ago, the government could justifiably brag about its management of the economy. 

    ECONOMIST: Germany and France。

  • 既然译为不久前 ,那肯定是在谈论过去的事情。