
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/11 04:51:41


switch jobs(变换工作)skip from job to job(不断跳槽)
chronic job-hopper(经常跳槽的人)continuous movement(持续工作的人)job transition(工作调动)short tenure(短的任期) employee(员工)advantages and disadvantages(优势与劣势)benefit from(从……收益)headhunter(猎头)lifer(一辈子不换工作的人)high mobility(高度的灵活性)job opportunity(工作机会)
broad range of work experience(丰富的工作经验)varied job experiences(不同的工作经历)constant refreshment(不断的更新)
job satisfaction(工作的满足感)long for challenges(渴望挑战)
adapt to(适应)abandon the old things(抛弃陈旧的东西)
high adaptability(高度的适应性)social relationship(社会关系)
make frieds with different people(和不同的人交朋友)
increase professional skills(增加职业技能)move upward(升迁)
heep skills fresh and up-to-date(使技能不断更新)
tell off one's boss(炒老板鱿鱼)contaminated reputation(名誉受损) negative image( 负面形象)live a wonderful life(过着美好的生活)
1 Job hoppers refer to those who constantly skip from one job to another.(跳槽者指的是那些经常换工作的人)
2 The wave of job switching and job transition has long existed among young workers.(跳槽和调换工作的风潮在年轻员工由来已久)
3 Young workers are generally attracted by high mobility and flexibility in job opportunities.(年轻员工通常会被工作机会高度的机动性和灵活性所吸引)
4 To them,job hopping means a broad range of work and life experience and constant refreshment(对于他们来说,跳槽意味着丰富的工作经验和人生阅历以及持久的新鲜感.)
5 Because of young people's excellent adaptability,job hopping brings more freshness and opportunities than difficulties and pressure.(因为年轻人非凡的适应力,跳槽带给他们更多的是新鲜感和机会,而不是困难和压力.)
6 Despite all the advantages,the drawbacks can not be neglected.(尽管有这些好处,其弊端也是不可忽视的)
7 One of the potential problems is that constant job transition can not secure them a stable and bright job prospect.(一个潜在的问题是频繁的跳槽不能保证他们有一个稳定辉煌的职业前景.)
8 It is also possible that they may fall into financial difficulties if skipping between jobs too frequently.(他们可能因为过于频繁地跳槽而陷入经济困难)
9In the eyes of employers,the fondness of job seitching reflects,to some extent,their disloyalty and lack of commitment to jobs.(在老板眼里,喜欢跳槽在某种程度上反映了他们不忠诚而且对工作缺乏奉献精神.)
10 So employees are advised to make careful considerations before switching from a job.(所以建议员工们在决定跳槽之前要仔细考虑)

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