
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 17:08:51


Knowing that we can't be together anymore.
However,promise me to go on,ok?
Until one day we can't take it no more,i'll let you go,you being free,ok?
Knowing you love me,knowing your choice-lessness,
though being this,
right here right now,you love me with my loving you,right?
Let us ignore these,going on with a unexpectable result.


既然知道我们不可能在一起了, 还浪费彼此的时间做什么?

I know we can not be together,
even so, let us continue to move on you?
When they do go elsewhere, I will let you, your free, right?
I know you love me, I know that you have your frustr...


I know we can not be together,
even so, let us continue to move on you?
When they do go elsewhere, I will let you, your free, right?
I know you love me, I know that you have your frustration, even so, at this moment, you love me, and I also love you.
Is not it? Do not talk about that, OK.
Let us go on it without result.


I know it`s impossible for us now,
Even so,can we continue?
When we really can`t stay together, Iwill set you free, OK?
I know you love me, I know that you have your helplessness,


I know it`s impossible for us now,
Even so,can we continue?
When we really can`t stay together, Iwill set you free, OK?
I know you love me, I know that you have your helplessness,
Even so,
At this moment, you love me, and I also love you. Isn`t that right?
Let`s not talk about that.Let`s go on it without result, shall we?


Although I know we won't be together any longer, I'd like to go on like this with you, shall we? Let's go on till the end, when, maybe, you will get your relative freedom, will you? I know you love me...


Although I know we won't be together any longer, I'd like to go on like this with you, shall we? Let's go on till the end, when, maybe, you will get your relative freedom, will you? I know you love me so much, and you are also condemned to something else; even so, at this moment, our hearts are still in each other, right? Well, so much for sighing, let's go on, no matter what the result is!


我就不明白了, 有话就好好说呗, 还整成英文的干嘛?

I know we can not be together.But,let us continue ,shall we?If everthing can not be improved ,I will give up and you will be free.But
I know you love me.I know you have frustration.Even so,you will love me all the time.So will I,you know.Let us not talk about it and go on it without results.

英语翻译我知道我们不可能在一起了,即使是这样,还是让我们继续走下去好吗?等到真的走不下去了,我就放过你了,你就自由了,我知道你是爱我的,我也知道你有你的无奈,即使是这样,此时此刻, 我说想他了,他回个笑脸:),我结婚了他也是,我们知道不可能在一起. 英语翻译如果那个男生心里有我,即使过三年五载,相隔很远,我们还是会在一起的. 英语翻译我晕,到底是哪个,晕前面加一句但是我们都知道,我们是不可能有未来的 到底什么是爱?渴望有人来解释我爱上一个已婚男人,想掐断这段感情,因为他结婚了,不可能和我在一起,可他说爱的意义是两个人拥有过,努力过并不是结果,与婚姻家庭无关,如果这样即使我们 我早就知道我们是不可能的了 的英文翻译怎么说 英语翻译今天是我们在一起的第一百天.在这3个月多月里,我们经历了许许多多的事.跟你在一起的每一天我都很快乐,即使中间有一些磕磕碰碰.100天真的很快,希望以后的每一个100天我们都一起 我们知道你已不可能回到巅峰,即使你才32岁; 我们知道你已不可能砍分切菜,即使你才32岁; 我们知道你已 我仍然爱着你,我俩不可能在一起,我们结束了的西班牙语怎么说 我知道我们是不可能的 用英语怎么说? 英语翻译我们不可能在一起了,也许是我不懂爱情,我不喜欢被管束,也不喜欢管束别人,更不喜欢两个人整天黏在一起,所以我给不了你想要的爱情,对不起. 因为你想要的不是我,我知道我们不可能在一起.但是,但是我爱你.再见 不见 坏孩子不怀念 我不懂爱是什么,就连定义成什么都不知道,我有一个很喜欢.也不是喜欢,就是很喜欢见到她得感觉.现在我们再也不可能在一起了,我开始变了! 英语翻译1.即使下雨我们也要去2.3.他那样看着我,好象我疯了 喜欢上了一个女生,但是我清楚地知道我们不可能在一起,我该怎么办?她也许知道,可是我却不敢对她说喜欢 英语翻译我知道这条路很长而且很难走,但是路是我选的 即使跪着也会走完. 我喜欢你,但我们是不可能的.即使再喜欢也要放手.但我还是想说我爱你.【翻译成英语】 英语翻译今天是星期4,昨天晚上我非常苦恼.我妈打电话给我的女朋友,和她说,我们谈了那么长时间了,不知道你的父母怎么样看我,不知道同不同意我们在一起.而且,我们那边有个风俗,长辈去世