
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/02 15:57:44


Both "morality" and "ethics" have the meaning of rules or standard for proper human conduct. A difference seems to be that "morality" also refers to the quality of a man being moral - "He‘s a man of morality." "Ethics" on the other hand has a meaning that "morality" does not have, and that is "ethics" as a branch of philosophy or scholarship that studies moral issues - "He studied ethics and history while in college." 再用中文跟你讲,morality偏向指道德上的,范围广些(一说日常用语),而ethics范围窄些指伦理的(一说学术用语、哲学用语),就是说你干了不合morality的事不一定不合ethics,你干了不合ethics的事肯定不合morality.