
来源:学生学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/17 02:16:32


Hello,Daniel!I am glad to receive your letter and know that you have properly planned our trip .What pleased me most is your advice that we should go to Spain for a camping trip.And I feel it an honour to know your two friends ,Amy and Ryan in that country.Because I would like to make friends.I believe the trip with the two new friends will certainly be an unforgettable experience .And I think we should bring something necessary ,including food ,drinks and especially some medicine in case.We should start on the first Saturday in August.Do remember to prepare some strong and comfortable shoes.

随便什么题目??be动词算不。。。语文作文我为了找一本书,匆匆忙忙奔向了爸爸的书房,先是在他的书桌上一阵乱翻,结果竹篮打水一场空,没找到,接着我又搬了张凳子,放到书架前,踩了上去,踮起脚,认真、仔细地寻找了起来,终于功夫不负有心人——我找到那本书了! 憋不出来了。。只有90个字。。lz再加一点进去吧,10个动词好像到了。。。...


