英语周报 2014-2015学年 第23期答案

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英语周报 2014-2015学年 第23期答案

Book 2 Module 5 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 DACDB 6-10 BDACD
11-15 ACCBD 16-20 ADDBC
21-25 ACCBD 26-30 ACBDA
31-35 CBCDA 36-40 ADCAB
41-45 CBCDB 46-50 ABBDC
51-55 CEGAF
56. They talked about his future.
57. Because he thought it had a dark future.
58. After he saw some old family photos.
59. They will have enough to eat. / They won’t be hungry.
60. To let his dad not worry about his future.
61. ... my classmate and ...
classmate → classmates
62. ... got to there ... 去掉to
63. ... were such many ... such → so
64. ... as well colorful ... well后加as
65. ... were on the ground. were → was
66. ... suggested us do ... us → we
67. ... for a park. a → the
68. ... one in one. in → by
69. ... becomes clean again.
becomes → became
70. ... a tired but ... tired → tiring
One possible version:
Founded in 1983, English Weekly is a weekly newspaper based in Taiyuan. It concentrates on English learning and has different versions specially designed for students in different provinces. It has several columns, including Teens' Focus, Topic Reading, Words & Expressions, Grammar, Assessment of Integrated Skills, and so on.
With a circulation of over 16 million per issue, English Weekly is most popular among students and teachers from schools and colleges in China. It has been proved that English Weekly is very helpful in English learning. It can help us not only improve our English but also learn a lot about the world.
1. D.应答者对罗比半年就能流利地说俄语感到不可思议,故选You must be joking(你一定是在开玩笑吧).
2. A.由“花50年为王室拍照”和“第一次出版他的作品”可知,这是一位业余(amateur)摄影师.
3. C.由filled with pride可知,他们在报纸上获悉他们儿子的成就(achievements).
4. D.题意要表达的是“我肯定你能有个愉快的旅程”,故选can.
5. B.由a hit可知,他第一部电影的票房收入合计(in total)超过六千万美元.
6. B.found与Microsoft之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且found所表示的动作已完成,故选Founded.
7. D.“大家都去上班或上学”是“玛丽亚有时间去购物”的原因,故选Now that(既然,由于).
8. A.由“使他们更自信”可知,“我”赞成(believe in)让孩子们有发言权.
9. C.当先行词是非人称的all时,其后的定语从句常用that引导.本题中can后省略了do.
10. D.设空处的非谓语动词表目的,故选to decrease.
11. A.题意:在确定已经找到你想要的房子之前要不停地看.故选until(在……之前).
12. C.talk所表示的动作发生在过去且对现在有影响(没人知道她生病的原因),故选has talked.
13. C.evidence是不可数名词且表泛指,故第一空不用冠词;environment意为“自然环境”时,其前需加the.
14. B.由in such bad condition可知,这个房顶需要全部更换(replaced).
15. D.delighted后可跟介词at, with或by.

16. A.礼物可以用来纪念、庆贺节日或其他重要的事情或庆典.
17. D.根据前一句Some gifts are expensive, or they may take months to create和该空后面的birthday cards之间的对比可知,像生日贺卡这类礼物就不是那么贵重.
18. D.19. B.20. C.根据前一句Gift giving is often a process of exchange可知,如果你收到某人的礼物,那么这个人通常也期待你回赠他一份礼物.
21. A.根据接下来具体介绍交换礼物的规则可知,此处填works.
22. C.根据上一句中的a gift, a gift of higher value和下一句中的This one可知,空格处泛指三者以上的又一个礼物.
23. C.根据空格前面的The gift exchange continues可知,这个交换礼物的规则以相同的方式一直持续下去.
24. B.联系上下文可知,古代的人给领导者进贡贡品以示忠诚.
25. D.上文提到many ancient cultures,此处提到的古埃及的努比亚人向国王献礼是其中的一个事例.
26. A.根据下文举例说明非洲有些地方现如今仍然给领导者献礼可知,这些传统规则延续至今.
27. C.根据protection可知,农民给当地的领导送礼应是表达谢意.
28. B.29. D.当今的总统在会见他国的首领时也经常携带礼物.
30. A.根据上一句中的presidents和a foreign leader可知,这里的赠送礼物涉及的是国家之间的关系.
31. C.上文讲述礼物可以表示忠诚、表达谢意,再根据本句中的send special messages可知,这是礼物的又一益处.
32. B.根据下文的a special person and a special relationship可知,此处填special.
33. C.根据上一句中的a gift makes us remember the giver可知,礼物可以让人铭记一个特别的人或一段特殊的情感.
34. D.There is no doubt about the good side of gift giving和modern gift giving is very wasteful之间是转折关系,因此人们反对“现代人赠送礼物是一种浪费”的观点.
35. A.综合全文语境可知,交换礼物对双方来说都有情感益处.

A篇 (健康)
36. A.细节理解题.根据第一段的became the oldest recorded ... at the competition可知.
37. D.细节理解题.根据第二段的But she sees herself as nothing special可知,Olga Kotelko觉得自己并没有什么特别的.因此,a plain Jane意为“普通的、平凡的”.
38. C.推理判断题.根据第三段的it's how you age that makes the difference. It's your attitude to all the things that happen in your life that plays the biggest part可知,奥尔加•库特尔库觉得一个人的处事态度对生活有很大影响.
39. A.推理判断题.根据最后一段的genes might help her和After all, 75% of our later lives could be down to the lifestyle we choose to lead可知,一个人的寿命并不完全由基因决定.
B篇 (自然)
40. B.推理判断题.根据第一段的he got a call about a mountain lion living in a small building和The big cat's owner knew that his neighbors were unhappy about the animal可知,电话是举报邻居养狮子宠物的.
41. C.细节理解题.根据第二段的The ASPCA tries to find homes for them in zoos or special areas for animals可知.
42. B.段落大意题.该段首句为主题句,由此可知,该段主要想说明野生动物不适合当宠物养.
C篇 (文娱)
43. C.细节理解题.根据How to Enter部分中的Best of News Design™ Creative Competition is held each year可知.
44. D.细节理解题.《纽约时报》符合Entry Deadlines部分的Entries from publications in the United States must be received ... no later than Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2014,由此可知答案.
45. B.细节理解题.根据Winners部分的the names of winners are published in the book ... 可知.
D篇 (科普知识)
46. A.推理判断题.根据第二段的Flies are very good at what they do和第三段的the flies were well prepared可知,Michael Dickinson发现苍蝇反应灵敏.
47. B.写作手法题.根据第二、三段的内容可知,Michael Dickinson是通过实验研究苍蝇得出结论的.
48. B.推理判断题.第四段谈到微型机器人要模仿苍蝇的飞行模式,军队想将苍蝇的快速反应运用到飞机上,由此可知,人类从苍蝇身上受到一定启发.
49. D.推理判断题.根据第四段的Dickinson's interest in housefly ... 以及最后一段的he doesn't hate flies和I get a little angry when someone brushes a fly away可知,Michael Dickinson觉得苍蝇很有趣.
50. C.标题归纳题.文章介绍了一项打苍蝇的研究,故C项符合文章主旨.

I. 1-5 DDCAC 6-10 BCBBA
II. 1-5 BCBBC 6-10 ABCCA
11-15 BCCAC 16-20 CBACB
A篇 (周围的人)
1. D.推理判断题.根据第一段的Sadlon's purpose ... for ourselves可知,Sadlon通过做善事的方式来庆祝自己的生日.
2. D.细节理解题.根据第三段可知,Sadlon从一个网站上读到一篇文章,讲的是一位年轻女士在28岁生日那天做了28件好事.Sadlon因此受到启发并决定以同样的方式来庆祝自己的生日.
3. C.段落大意题.第四段讲的是Sadlon向人们提供的各种爱心捐赠.
4. A.推理判断题.根据这对老夫妇说的话You're so amazing. There needs to be more kindness in this world可知,Sadlon所做的一切让他们深受感动.
5. C.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的which she hopes will inspire others to create lists of their own和最后一段可知,Sadlon希望有更多的人也像她一样多做好事.
B篇 (健康)
6. B.细节理解题.根据第二段的They quickly realized that we're a slave to the outside world可知.
7. C.段落大意题.该段的首句为主题句,由此可知该段主要解释了睡眠问题出现的原因.
8. B.推理判断题.根据第五段的“It's not affecting me.” So if you are performing poorly because of sleep problems, you may have no idea. This is a real problem可知,睡眠缺乏者的最大问题在于他们没意识到自己出现了睡眠问题.
9. B.句意理解题.有人总说没时间在睡觉前静下来,但“再忙也不会比宇航员还忙吧”,即其实是可以抽出这些时间的.
10. A.细节理解题.根据最后一段的内容可知,可以关掉早上提醒起床的闹铃,而用闹铃来提醒晚上睡觉.