
来源:学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/06/04 18:28:58 商务英语考试(BEC)
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  •   GSM M arketing PT
      JI. Cempaka 16, Jakarta
      Fax: (62) 21 3719234/Tel: (62)21 4827700
      27 May 200-
      Mr Adbullah Wiaksomo
      Accounts Manager
      Dear Abdullah
      Thank you very much for all your help over the past few weeks. I should just like you to know that I appreciate your willingness to help out in times of need and to assure you that your understanding and sympathetic attitude will not be forgotten when the company is once more on its feet.
      Michael Weiss
      Michael Weiss
      Manging Director
      F ar East Crafts (HK) Ltd
      112 Hollywood Road, Hong Kong SAR
      Fax: 25811342; Tel: 25941127
      To: Ms Jane Lai, Hong Kong Fine Arts Fax: 26912854
      From: Mr Ken Kwan, Manager, Far East Crafts (HK) Ltd Fax: 25811342
      Date: 3 December 200- Pages: 1
      Dear Jane
      I was really delighted to hear that you got that job we were speaking about the other day. Let me be among the first to congratulate you. Mind you, with all the hard work you have done in recent months, this promotion is all you deserve.
      I am sure that the future will hold much more for you, and this is just the beginning. You know that if there’s anything I can do for you, you only need to ask.
      Dear Mr Ji
      I take great pleasure in inviting you to an exclusive exhibition of the works of the Mexican sculptor, Joachim Paz. The exhibition will take place between 2.00 pm and 5.30 pm on 14 March 200- at the Grand Hotel.
      After the exhibition, there will be a reception in the Lotus Room at which the sculptor will be present.
      Yours sincerely
      Carolyn Delgado Castro
      Promotions Manager
      27 June 200-
      Dear June
      I was saddened recently to hear of your great loss, and should like to extend my deepest sympathy to you at this time of sorrow. Terry was both loved and admired by all of his colleagues, and his disarming sense of humour will be sadly missed in the office.
      I should just like you to know that if you need anything in the coming weeks, I will be more than happy to help out in any way I can.
      With much sympathy.
      Ralph Kwok
      Ralph Kwok