
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/04/29 00:28:08
说世界品牌服装 例如JACK&JONES(杰克琼斯) Ww want to know what we can to help you.Ww want to know what we can to help you.Ww want to know what we can do to help you.这两句话那个对啊?Ww want to do what we can to help you.这句话对吗? Mom was ill last weekend(转换成一般疑问句和一般疑问句的回答) 有好Mom was ill last weekend(转换成一般疑问句和一般疑问句的回答) 已经通过四级,继续训练英语听力用什么听力材料比较好呢? 信赖是……,使……怎么样.造句信赖是……,使……感到…… 更好! 信赖怎么造句 we should be kind to the _____(老年人)and help them 我们应尽力帮助他们 We should ----------- ----------- ---------- to help them. 含有ack,rain,uck,in,end,et,all,old,eat,ea,low,ow的单词- - ack - rain - - - - - uck - in - in-- - in- - - - end - end - - end -et - et - et - et - et - - all - all - all -old - old - oid - old - eat ea-t - ea - t - ea - - -ea - ea- - - low - low- 含ack,rain,uck,end的单词_ _ack_rain_ _ __uck__ _uck_end_end_ _end 含有“ake”的单词有哪些 --other,-ake,--make,-rain,-rain---,--ake,的英语单词 为什么说长城是我们伟大民族的象征 奔腾处理器,给你一颗奔腾的芯!写出广告词的特色 有句广告词,奔驰天下,什么摩托来着?RT 长城好像在崇山峻岭中飞舞的运用了什么修辞手法 什么像一条巨龙在崇山峻岭中飞舞补充比喻句 Both of the questions are difficult to answer (改否定句) 长城像条巨龙,在崇山峻岭之间弯曲盘旋.改正不恰当的词语 It was clever of him ____ (answer) all these difficult questions. Children as he is ,he can answer these difficult questions. Answer these questions:What time did you gei up two years ago?What did you do next?What time did you dress?What did you do then?What did you have for breakfast?What time did you go to school?What time did lessons star?What time did lessons finish?Wha ★奔驰、奔跑、奔腾、驰骋的近义词、同义词、意思解释如下: 谁知道温哥华的英语单词怎么拼个人英语水品不怎么的,温哥华英语单词怎么拼啊, 多伦多和温哥华哪个比较好两所城市的消费水平,安全,医疗方面哪个比较好呢?我是想去读大学,我暑假刚刚去过加拿大,感觉两个城市都不错. 请问怎么做破产姐妹里面max做的那样的小蛋糕(要详细哦) 破产姐妹里Max结婚是哪一集? 破产姐妹第三季max的新手机 best wishes与good luck它们的意思差不多有什么主要的区别吗 The problem was too difficult to be solved还是The problem was too difficult to solve? the problem is difficult to be solved 为什么solve要是过去式 一个定滑轮与如图所示的杠杆,那个机械效率更高?(不及摩擦绳重)我知道定滑轮机械效率100%,那杠杆呢?若计上杠杆自身重量,那就该省功了,但没有机械可以省功啊.(图不好,多包含.左为G右