
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/04/29 14:37:31
it's said that Janny will give her old father a birthday party,___ do you thinkit's said that Janny will give her old father a birthday party,"___ do you think she will invite?""well,I know she'll invite___ her father wants"A,who,whoever.B,whom,whom, 有关不等式的题不等式(m-2)x>2-m的解集为x 19.---I think I will walk to the party.---Are you sure?If you _______,you will be very tired.A.will B.are C.did D.do [1798]这个题为什么会选择D呢?能不能和我说一下呢?为什么不选择其他的?谢谢拉加固... see through see sb.through什么意思/? see through是什么意思 Gotta see it through这句话什么意思 Jeans are c___ to wear and blue will make you feel calm.填单词 连词成句 ,jeans should i comfortabe think wear are they because you 词汇I think you should wear jeans,because they are not t 填什么单词 A and B wear blue jeans.C and B wear red shirts.D and A wear green shirts.C and D wear black jeans.Who wears black jeans and a green shirt? 这不公平 每一道题都是我根据我的课堂笔记回答的.用恰当的关联词语连接: 求用电磁铁代替铁氧体永磁铁磁环的方案如题,磁环规格:200*160*20,要的是方案. 解释一下统计学中的“正指标”和“逆指标” 马达上用的铁氧体是磁铁还是抗干扰磁环? 为什么磁环没有极性我用磁铁的南北极对磁环的一面都能吸,我认为磁环没有极性 see through you 歌词 See Right Through You 歌词 See Me Through (Live) 歌词 谁有chirs brown的see through歌词带上中文翻译 中国有多少只蚂蚁 共有多少只蚂蚁一只蚂蚁出来觅食,发现一块大面包,它立刻返洞唤来10个伙伴,可是面包丝毫不动.每只蚂蚁回去各唤10只蚂蚁,再搬,还是不动,于是每只又回去搬兵,每只蚂蚁又各召来10只蚂蚁,但 three and three-sevenths后面的系动词是单数还是复数 某地人口50万,2001年人口出生率为30‰,人口死亡率为14‰.则该地区这一年自然增长的人口为多少人?到底是8万还是8千?那可是千分之多少啊! 怎样才能改正孩子马虎的习惯?孩子粗心大意做完作业又不愿意检查要怎么办? one kind or another怎么翻译呀? This is____apple.It's my favourite fruit.填"/"还是“an” Each kind df life eats another kind of life in order to live,and together they form a foos chains 请问如何改正孩子粗心大意的缺点? 怎样帮孩子改正粗心大意,做事情没条理的毛病?孩子不知粗心大意,还慢,做什么事情都不着急,没有时间观念.怎样改正这些缺点 首字母填空which volleyball t____ do you like bestwhich volleyball t____ do you like best 电磁阀的结构和组成一个电磁阀的上,中,下都是由什么组成,分别有什么作用?