
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/04/27 17:41:38
英语翻译经常看到国外的广告会打出 no more to pay的广告词最合适的中国的广告语怎么翻译它呢? "How many student in your classroom? miss是想念的意思,为什么在新概念英语书上写的是错过的意思?还有about是关于;大约的意思,what about you却是你呢的意思? Sorry,I made a mistake again,( ) .Practice more and you'll succeed.A.Certainly not.B.Not at all C.Never mind D.Don't mention it What can I have to save you,my love怎么解释 求一首英文歌曲歌词开头是Maybe I didn't love you quite as good as I should have 怎样利用4种简单机械组成省力系统1 杠杆2 斜面3 轮轴4 滑轮 简单机械工作时省力的原因 翻译:英语是我最擅长的学科 English is a subject that ----------- that的用法:I'm really not that interested in romance movies.这句中的that有意义吗,这是什么用法呢 You can keep the book until you ___?A having finished readingB finish to readC will finish reading D have finished to read Pretend you are a famous singer or soccer play.What are your vacation plans?Write an article. 葡萄糖遇茶为什么变紫色是婴儿吃的葡萄糖,冲水,我估计葡萄糖里面可能不是单质,和少量茶水混合会变紫色 Pretend you are a famous singer or soccer player.What are your vacation plans?Write an article50字左右 要自己写的 别的网页的我都看过了 Pretend you are a famous singer or soccer player. What are your vacation plans? Write an article,咋 Pretend you are a famous singer or soccer player,What are your vacation pla we are good friends for every Get well soon!Thank you!的汉语意思是什么? 大名叫刘妮妮,小名妮妮,英文名怎么取 英文名妮妮怎么用英文写 歌曲Memories的意思(Within Temptation唱的)全首歌英文配中文意思,注意:是Within Temptation唱的ME觉得这首歌好感人的~可怜的斯内普啊~ 关于“延续性动词”与“非延续性动词”是不是 “延续性动词”使用“主系表”句型.而“非延续性动词”使用“主谓宾”句型呢? cut down sth和cut down on sth有什么区别 I am very interested in that.的翻译. I am very interested in Mark Twain's novels,____?A:aren't I B:am not I c:aren't you D:are you初学英语,请问要选哪个?为什么?麻烦告诉我为什么,谢谢 i am ___ ___ in collectin conins i am very interested in collectin conins 非金属元素的原子特征 既表现金属元素性质,又表现非金属元素性质的元素? 碘酒遇到水有什么变化我朋友想让我加入完美,到了那里就搞了个表演,用一个有水的杯子,在里面滴了几滴碘酒,就变黑了,放入大米也变成黑的了,然后放进点完美的产品,叫什么芦荟矿物晶的东 将碘酒加热,直至碘酒变干有紫色蒸汽放出,将印有指纹的白纸放在蒸汽上,为什么会有指纹出现, i like all the other subject ? english为什么用besides?不用except But I'm really good at football.包含什么词组?意思是什么? I am really good cry I am really good cry 翻译成汉语.