
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/04/28 17:29:16
"I wish him to go there with me" (wish的问题"I wish him to go there with me" 这句话中为什么用wish而不用hope? wish sb sth,be strict with sb,ba strict in sth,wish sb to do sth造句各造句5个, 初中化学补充定理有哪些? I wish to revise it with your standard LOGO 两个选词填空. 英语选词填空(小学)选择恰当的词填空,注意用适当形式填空enrich my knowledge,answered the phone,interview,dull,more and more,in the future,searched...for,convenientgoing on a field trip to,1.What will computer be like______?2.Now 急 小学英文选词填空!选词填空,要转换时态.give help lead inspect serve meet open serve talk end meetDear Emily,I would like to update you about the plans for the school’s upcoming ‘wonders of technology’ fair which takes place n 小学的,语文选词填空选词填空 改进 改善 改正 改造 改变 改良()生活 ()计划 ()罪犯 ()技术()品种 ()工作 ()错误 ()缺 I'm glad that you are satisfied with your job.请问that 从句在句子里做什么成分? “I AM WHAT I AM” Whatever you are,be satisfied with that.Be cool with who...中文意思关系着我的终身幸福阿,. I am glad that you are communicating with me.You can call me if you have new ideas or would like to introduce someone to our company. how satisfied were you with that?这个句子怎么翻译? 可不可以说 I'm glad with you job.抱歉 系 I am glad with your job. 在f(xˆ2-1/x)ˆ8的展开式中,x的系数是? 已知A,B是第一象限角,若A>B,则sinA>sinB正确吗?为什么? 已知,A.B是第一象限角,且A大于B,能否确定SINA与SINB的大小? 已知sina=0.8,cos(a+b)=-0.6,a b都是第一象限角 则sinb值为多少 已知a,b均为第一象限角,若sina Your letter is received with thanks.是什么意思 thanks for your company与Thank you for your accompany 有木有区别如同thank you与thanks一个正式,一个偏口语,较随意.(举例)so(题目)区别是神马? 英语翻译新银盏温泉度假村空气质量优良,气候温和,雨量充沛,冬天霜雪少见.温泉的热浴不仅可使肌肉、关节松弛,消除疲劳;还可扩张血管,促进血液循环,加速人体新陈代谢.于此度假休闲,一 Well noted your msg with Thanks? "go with thanksStudents are always interested in finding out ____they can go with a new teacher.A.how far B.how soon C.how often D.how longwhich to choose why?thanks. 凯恩斯消费函数表达式的经济含义和特征. 函数的表达式 难忘的第一次作文怎么写?要选材新颖的,要借物喻理,最好从一件物上得到启示!最好写荷花,最好是自己写的,加40;不是自己写的15分 难忘的“第一次”这篇作文怎么写?像学什么...做过什么. Waiter, I'm not satisfied with your service.怎么回答? 对于两个自然数a和b,他们的最小公倍数与最大公约数的差记为△.已知6△X=27,求X的值? 对于两个自然数a和b,它们的最小公倍数与最大公约数的差记为△,已知6△x=27,求x的值. I have a problem with your service怎么翻译呢? 平底烧瓶有什么作用