would rather...than...与prefer...to...的区别

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/04/16 19:33:20

would rather...than...与prefer...to...的区别

would rather than 是宁可 也不. prefer to 是相对于什么比较喜欢什么. 两个一个问题的两个回答 但也要看具体语境

would rather than 是宁可 也不。 prefer to 是相对于什么比较喜欢什么。 两个一个问题的两个回答 但也要看具体语境
用法 prefer doing to doing
would rather do , than do

He would rather play than work.他宁愿玩也不愿意不作。
She would rather die than compromise.她宁死不屈。
I prefer cycling than walking.我喜欢骑自行车更胜于步行。
I prefer English to Japanese. 我比较喜欢英语,不太喜欢日语。