圣诞老人的自我介绍 英文 第一人称5~10句.谢谢~~

来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/05/14 01:54:28

圣诞老人的自我介绍 英文 第一人称

I am Santa Claus.I live in a big factory in North Pole.I have a wife,Mrs.Claus and a lot of elves living with me.Everyday,I work on the "good kid list" and the "bad kid list" and make the good kids Christmas presents.My favorite color is red.My favorite drink is hot chocolate,because it is very cold in North Pole.Although I have to work all year without getting paid money,I still work because I like children a lot and I like to see them smile.