
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/04/25 22:32:17


英文:You are good,I am XX,this year 18 years old,from Guangxi Liuzhou,enrolled in Rongshui middle school,I like singing and dancing and painting,I like this profession,I will be very hard,let our teacher satisfaction!

During the past 3years in my college,as an undergraduate student,I have been working diligently at my specialty.I have built up asolid foundation for professional knowledge and comprehensively improve...


During the past 3years in my college,as an undergraduate student,I have been working diligently at my specialty.I have built up asolid foundation for professional knowledge and comprehensively improved my quality.I got alot of scholarships,once Ifeel Ifall behind others,I will find the reason as soon as possible and try my utmost to catch up with others.And just owning to this,I could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end.I am confident that my solid education background will lay me afoundation to fulfill my bachelor degree courses!


请帮我用英文翻译一段简短的英文自我介绍 谁能帮我用英文做一个既简短又有趣的自我介绍.是面试用的.请各位大哥, 请帮我.用英文写一篇自我介绍作文 怎样写一个简短的.吸引人的自我介绍我13岁,叫***,性格活泼开朗,请帮我写一个简短的.吸引人的自我介绍 北京英语中级口语自我介绍我是学汽修的请帮我弄份英文的自我介绍 帮我我想一下英语的自我介绍 .THANKS请用英文写一段介绍你自己的情况,内容包括你的姓名,年龄,性别电话,说喜爱的体育运动和你喜欢的颜色,食物 内容我自己填 请各位帮我写一段自我介绍(用英语)并译成中文只要句形! 求职面试时的英文自我介绍!求一份简短的英文自我介绍,以便面试之用! 求简短个性的英文自我介绍? 求一篇简短的英文自我介绍 推荐一篇简短的英文自我介绍 请大家帮我找一下自我介绍初一水平的英文,5句左右! 我第一天讲课 应该注意些什么啊 我是教英语的 要怎样做一段简短的英文自我介绍啊 英文翻译:我的自我介绍完毕 英文自我介绍六年级阿,我要一段六年级英语比赛的自我介绍 要那种简短一点的,可以与众不同的.还有英文歌曲 可以把地址发给我.三口 今天晚上之前. 请帮我写2篇英文日记,平时的.最好不要那么长..简短点^.^ 求一篇英文自我介绍.出国留学用我很快就要去加拿大留学了,我担心到了新班级一开始会让每个人做一个简短的自我介绍.麻烦各位帮我想一个1-2分钟左右长短的自我介绍.我来自江苏扬州,18岁 帮我写一段英语自我介绍