
来源:学生作业学帮网 编辑:学帮网 时间:2024/04/25 12:35:36
用so.such.such a或such an填空1.He was_excited that he could't get sleep.2This teacher is_kind that we all like him.3There is_much food in the refrigerator that we don't need to buy anything.4.He ran_quickly that I couldn't catch up with h Where is he going?还是where is he going to? chip in / collect money / raise money 表示凑钱 有什么区别嘛...(能给几个例句吗谢谢) The food my mother cooks is ____(delicious) of all.该填什么啊 英文问题求解 chip in / collect money / raise money 表示凑钱 有什么区别嘛...(能给几个例句吗谢谢) 选用so,such填空He has made____many mistakes that he can't pass the exam.My parents have___little money that they can't buy a new flat.填什么,为什么?我填的是so ,such. 为什么不能用Where is he going to?而只能用Where is he going? 翻译sometimes we help our children with their lessens 英语翻译有时候我们对自己的错误太熟悉了,意识不到自己犯了想的的错误.Sometimes we ______________ our mistakes to realize we have made the same mistake again. ( )It is reported more teacher buildings_____in our school in the next term.A.will be built B.was built C.has built D.was build 求翻译:We should help children turn their dream of enjoying the beauty of nature into reality. Sometimes we teach our children the way ______ our parents have taught us.A.which B.in that C. that D. by which答案是C,我选的是A,为什么? collect 等于raise吗? led显示屏中文翻译 英语,根据所给情景,用英语写出恰当的句子1You want to know Ben's wacation plans .What should you ask?2When you meet a foreigner from England,what topic should you talk about? 英语完成所给情景写出句子1.You see a boy swimming in the pond. It's very dangerous. You say:___________.2.The boys are playing football on the road. You say:___________.3.A student is running in the corridor. You say:___________.4.Yo I have to miss you的汉语是什么意思 I have some nice postcards.(改为一般疑问句)_______you have ____________nice postcards? we () the room and found it was 20 feet long and 14 feet wide括号里填什么?是m开头的单词 I have some nice flowers.改成一般疑问句 how to raise money是什么意思 英语Which is ___,the white table or the brown table?(wide) raise some money for SSAT数学题:what will cost to tile a kitchen floor that is 12 feet wide by 20 feet long if .what will cost to tile a kitchen floor that is 12 feet wide by 20 feet long if the tile cost $8.91 per square yard?yard 貌似是码的意思,估计有单 raise money的方法有哪些 英语作文:用 Have you been to开头60~80字.最好写中国的地方 donate money to和donate money raise money for有什么区别到底哪个是筹钱哪个是捐钱哪个和raise money (为..筹钱)一样 raise money和 money raising有什么区别 用英语写出下类句子你妹妹在干什么?在上英语课.(英语翻译) 用英语写出下面这个句子在医院里有许多年轻的护士,每天都在辛勤的工作哪个是对的呀.晕啊~~ 写出下面句子的英语这就是我上周做的事情,你们呢? 帮我写出下面英语句子1.Maria likes the school magazine a little.(写同义句)2.The host woulden't like to ask Paul the question.(写同义句)3.There isn't anything in the bowl.(写同义句)4.What do you think of the sunglasses